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Sauce: The post where my standard for good content plunges steeply.

If you can’t find someone to complain about in your daily life, then I prescribe a nice road trip.  Other drivers are a constant source of novel irritations.  I’ve been honked at for refusing to pull into the path of an oncoming freight train.  I’ve been rear-ended.  I’ve been blinded by high beams in my rear view mirror.  All the usual.  But other drivers are endlessly creative.  
For example, as I was traveling homeward last week on a visit to my parents, the genius in front of me suddenly hurled a banana peel out of their window.  I know it was a banana peel, because after the initial unidentified blur and jolt of shock, I found it clinging to my windshield in a state of slimy disarray.  When I sent my windshield wipers out to do battle with it, it impaled itself upon them and I didn’t get it off until I found a place to stop an hour later.  Banana peels do not make good traveling companions.  Ironically, I had brought a banana of my own on the trip and ended up losing my appetite for it.  And of course, since it was sitting in the front seat, it had a prime view of its relative’s demise.  
Other Drivers- traumatizing me and bananas since the beginning of time.

(This story might not be true.)

(Whether it’s true or not, I have to say, you haven’t lived until you’ve thrown a banana peel of your own out your car window.  Just, check behind you first.)


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