You know those times when you ask someone how they are and they answer honestly and you realize you don’t actually care and you’re in for more than you bargained for, and then you look into their eyes and realize that they know you don’t care, but they’ve decided to take the plunge and tell you anyway? And then you have to be sympathetic even though you know they know your sympathy is false?
Those are rough times.
PS: I wrote that one day when I couldn’t think of anything to complain about. Nobody had done anything irritating for over 24 hours and I was barren of ideas. So, apparently, to counterbalance the lack of self-centered jerks in the world, I became one for five minutes and wrote one of the most honest, terrible things about myself I could dredge up.
I think I need a little sympathy.
PS the 2nd: That day was today.
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