....Werewolves of London.
Werewolves of London.
Either you hate me right now and will never, ever, ever, EVER come back again, or you’re wondering “what the heck”. If the latter, you can choose to remain blissfully, beautifully, splendidly unaware and happy, like I was for my entire life before 2 pm yesterday afternoon when I innocently turned the radio to the oldies station, OR you can go on YouTube and search for the first three words of this post. Your fate is in your own hands now. And you know, I never thought I’d say this, but ignorance is underrated.
Werewolves of London.
Either you hate me right now and will never, ever, ever, EVER come back again, or you’re wondering “what the heck”. If the latter, you can choose to remain blissfully, beautifully, splendidly unaware and happy, like I was for my entire life before 2 pm yesterday afternoon when I innocently turned the radio to the oldies station, OR you can go on YouTube and search for the first three words of this post. Your fate is in your own hands now. And you know, I never thought I’d say this, but ignorance is underrated.
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