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Noodles: Tra-comic procrastination.

Hey World!  
I spent half of this week on a trip home (or, there and back again), which means I’ve found myself with four blog posts to publish in one day.  Fortunately I’m a super genius and wrote them all ahead of time.  Except this one.  And the other ones.  Lettuce just say that this morning I found myself frantically pounding out words, trying to think of funny stuff that wouldn’t leave you drooling into your keyboards.  This desperation led me down the age-old path of self-searching that all humorists encounter at some point in their lives...that is, asking myself, “what have I done lately that was very, very, very stupid?”  There were a terrifying amount of options, but the first to come to mind was this:  I’ve been meaning to mail a Christmas gift to a friend since before Christmas.  It’s been sitting on my counter, wrapped and taped and addressed, for the last month.  And yet, I have not sent it.  Why this negligence, you ask?  I will tell you.  I am procrastinating for one reason, and one reason only:  I haven’t had any cash on hand, and am not sure if the post office takes checks (why I use checks instead of a card is another topic for another time...ha ha!  Not!  This isn’t a finance blog, sucker!).  Anyway, I can’t see why the post office wouldn’t take checks But I would have to ask.  And they’d say “yes”, and that’d be an end of it.  Still.  Asking a total stranger a question is just a little more social interaction than I can handle on any given day.  I didn’t tell you this was going to be a funny story.  It’s more of a tragi-comedy.  Is that a thing?  Or is it a comic-tragedy?  Does everyone die, and then it’s funny, or is it funny until everyone dies?  Which leads to the question, if we have “rom-coms”, why don’t we have “tra-coms”?  It’s not catchy, I get that, but it seems like favoritism to me.  Life isn’t all bubbles and puppies.  


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