I’ve been having a problem with people lately. To be blunt - they’re too nice. I’m not saying loving, necessarily, or unselfish, or kind. Just...nice. Especially at intersections. See, you nice old man to the right...you were definitely at the stop sign ahead of me. That means you get to go first. It really isn’t a kindness to wave me forward, I promise. It will just confuse me and stress me out enough to take several seconds off my life span. And you, you nice, nice lady in the grocery store parking lot...when you’re walking in a crosswalk, drivers are supposed to wait for you. Just because you weren’t directly in front of my car does not mean you are doing a good deed by irrationally insisting I drive in front of you. You’re just training me to ignore crosswalks. And you, you very, very nice police officer who showed me how to replace my left brake light...okay. I can’t complain about you. I’m just glad you didn’t look in my trunk. (The nice old man may or may not have been bound and gagged inside. But it’s okay. He seemed ready to die.)
Hi, world, and welcome to “The Password’s Lasagna”! One day I’ll share where that name came from - for now, just revel in the wonderful idioticity of the word “Lasagna”. Say it over and over again. Let it flip off your tongue in all its gleeful lasagnaness. Say it until it means nothing, say it ‘til it means everything. Lasagna. It’s a word with many layers. Moving on quickly now... I have to wonder if, in a year, I will regret this first post. I’ll think “what kind of imbecilic idiot was I, to think starting a blog would be a good idea?” As if there aren’t more constructive things to do. Like...fishing. Or hunter-gathering (which is the sport of gathering as many hunters as possible in one weekend and stuffing them all in the back of a closed pickup, preferably with a limb or so hanging out and dripping blood). Or making clay...things. Useful things. Mugs and the like. Or I could be chillin...
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