I heard a story on the news yesterday, about a man who got caught in a terrible traffic jam. He could have sat there and eaten Cheetos and grumbled to himself, but did he? No. He calmly stepped out of his car, grabbed his conveniently stored bagpipes from the back seat, and began to play some soothing Scottish marches. Was his goal was occupy his mind, or to distract his neighbors from their feverish, strangled haste? Either way, he succeeded. Those who heard him not only forgot about the traffic jam, but were also united under a collective banner of hateful rage. And he’s probably no longer with us on this earth, so I’m sure boredom is the least of his worries. (Unless he made it to heaven, where bagpipes are allowed only on every fifth Monday.)
Disclaimer: I personally enjoy the bagpipes, but can’t help but feel that this man showed an alarming lack of discretion.
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