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Noodles: Da da da daaaa, da da daaaa...da da da daaaa, da da da, da.....deer?

So this is, roughly, what I was going to post today:  

“I wish the Indiana Jones theme music would play every time I’m in an epic and life-threatening situation. ‘Wait!’ you say, ‘wouldn’t that drive you stark raving mad?’  ‘No!’, I say.  ‘I love that song!’  And I only do awesomely epic, life-threatening things two or three times a year, so I’d never really have the chance to get tired of it.  If you ate ice cream only two or three times a year, would it repulse you?  Exactly.”

That’s what I had written and ready to go.  But I don’t think I’m going to post it, after all, because it’s not true anymore.  
See, I was just out on one of your typical charming, mundane, small-town evening strolls, and had a little run in with a deer.  
Actually, it was more of an attack.  
Actually, fine, so the deer chased me for half a block and actually forded a stream and jumped a fence in its frenzied attempts to catch me.  I can only assume its intention was to trample me under its hooves.  Maybe its a vengeful offspring of Pan and it knows that the only pan I bow to is the one that cooks my French toast.*  Whatever the reason, it would have only been an added insult if that song had been playing while I was heroically defending life, limb, and small-town America from a deranged mutant killer in the guise of a common deer (cough aka running very quickly and shouting “you stay away” and seeking safety in a playground full of young children cough cough).  

Actually, I might not post any of this because do I really want to share my humiliation with the three people who will read about it?

And..........I’m also kind of too scared to walk to the library.**

*after exhaustive research, I find that Pan was more closely related to goats than deer.  However, I enjoy my own puns too much to edit that sentence.  
** I am now at the library, basking in a false sense of security before the long, treacherous journey home.


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