Since I’ve got a pretty long post in store for you a little later this week (and yeah, it’s Saturday, I that means in about five minutes), I’m gonna make this quick and just share with you one of my finer moments. Possibly the most brilliant highlight of my entire career as a human, if I may say so.
Recently I was trying to center a picture on what was supposed to be today’s post. Suddenly, my that what the little vertical blinky line is called? If it is, wow, what an intense name for such an innocent little thingy. Anyway, you all know what I mean. We’ll just call it the cursor and hope for the best. Kay. So, my cursor started moving. It was traveling across the page all alone! It had a mind of its own! Because I’m super suspicious, my first thought was that someone had hacked my computer, since I was in a pretty crowded public place. There were some nerdy guys in the corner who looked capable of such a deed. I’m not sure it’s possible to hack someone’s cursor from across a room, but if it is, these guys could have done it in their sleep. I frantically tried to regain control of the cursor, to no avail! It was heading down the page, moving at quite the rapid clip, and I was powerless against whatever evil outside forces were controlling it!
Then I noticed I was resting my entire right arm on the keyboard. Like, on top of the arrow keys.
Keep in mind that all this happened in much more time than it takes to tell. Can I get a round of applause?
Thank you. Thank you
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