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Showing posts from December, 2019

Noodles, Sauce, Spinach and Cheese: Merry Christmas!!!!!

And Happy New Year!!!

Cheese: Hippos.

Hippos are fun to draw. This is a hippo: Hippos are also considered by many to be the most dangerous large animal in Africa. This is also a hippo: You’re welcome.

Spinach: I’ve never actually wanted someone to drown in a goldfish bowl.

For the record. That was just the most awful thing I could think of off the top of my head. Here’s a less awful thing I thought of off the top of my head, once when I was very bored and had been researching Mt. Everest (which I decided not to climb after learning that even in this modern age, there is a very strong likelihood of plunging to your death over a cliff). Sloping          in an     Endless fall         Of shining           Snow, still          Descending               River-hill,              Turned to                 Fractals,                    Free of                        Tracks            ...

Sauce: Hey...’s it going? How are you? Have a nice day! These are things people say. They’re called “polite, non-committal remarks,” and they’re perfectly normal. are you like this? Have you had a head injury? I hope you drown in a goldfish bowl! These are things people think. They’re called “socially innappropriate truths,” and they’re perfectly normal. This is when (if you are at all a naturally honest, negatively-trending person) you realize you have a problem. Do you lie and be accepted? Do you tell the truth and be arrested? Do you remain silent, and trudge through life in an aura of mystery? My friends, there are questions that have no answers, but I personally think the world would be easier to navigate if there was a little more blunt truthfulness or a little less people.

Noodles: There are just some things you can’t ask your doctor.

So you turn instead to Google and let your questions be seen by all the world, including snoops like me. I happened to look up a strange sensation I’ve been experiencing lately (yes, I do it too, and yes, I’m probably on the brink of death) that involves a crawling sensation on the back of my scalp.  Since it’s not tick season, I assume it’s a tiny person attempting to scale my head in order to have a look around.  Unfortunately, I wear a lot of hats this time of year so even if they make it to the top, they aren’t likely to see much. But that’s not the point. If you ask Google to give you any information involving tingling sensations and your own head, it will immediately throw at you a list of questions asked by similar unfortunate individuals, along with the all-knowing answers provided by an unspecified internet friend. Some of them make you shake your head in pity, such as this sad, lonely soul, who asks, “Can I test myself for a brain tumor?” The answer is undecided...

Cheese: Cheese.

Spinach: But winter isn’t all bad.

For example, snow is glittery and the stars are brighter.

Sauce: sNOmobiles.

If you’ve ever wondered who’s most likely to die in a pedestrian/snowmobile collision, I’ll give you a hint. (Whisper whisper...It’s not the snowmobile.) If you’ve ever wondered what the exact likelihood of your dying in a pedestrian/snowmobile collision is, I’ll give you a hint. (If you are in the right state at the right time of year, say, anywhere north of Iowa between December and March, and you are outside...well, it’s high.  I would include a graph to show you exactly how high, but I’ve never been very good at graphs and I think you’ll understand if I just say that your survival rate plummets very quickly to less than 1 percent.) If you’ve ever wondered how a motorcycle could possibly make a more annoying sound, I’ll give you a hint. (You take the wheels off and put little runners on it.  In other words, a snowmobile.) (Note: It also helps if you drive it across dry pavement every few’s slightly nicer than the sound of a giant misusing a chalkboard and...